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Below is the step by step guide for dying light side quest "the princess in the tower" ant anstead custody 2 stay human. Then contact rose at the loggia west of the willow windmill in horseshoe to get this side quest.

Find timur

Hold the down button, to fast forward to the night. Then go to the desired location northwest of your current location serving you. It's to the west of the night runners' hideout. Once in the apartment, go inside through the entrance at the top and defeat the infected, going down. You need to select the purple glow stick in front of the locked door at the end of the hallway. Open the door next to this one to trigger a cut-scene during which the customer must choose whether to tell rose the truth about timur or lie and let her brother tell her. If you are going to tell her the truth, her brother will be angry, but the quest will still be completed. In the event that you lie to her, her brother himself will go to tell her the truth. Both options don't hold value in the long run, so get the one that the person likes from now on.