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Maltitol is a pleasant-tasting sugar substitute that is almost as sweet as sugar and can be used as a replacement for sugar in almost any recipe. Maltitol offers many advantages over sugar and is safe for use by anyone. Diabetics and those attempting to control their weight will especially appreciate moncleronlinecoats Maltitol's many qualities. ™

Where does Maltitol come from?

Maltitol is a sugar alcohol, or polyol. Chemically, part of Maltitol's structure is similar to sugar and part is similar to alcohol. It should be emphasized that the alcohol component is not the same as the alcohol we generally think of when we hear the term; that is, the alcohol that is found in alcoholic beverages such as wine and spirits, which is ethanol. Maltitol is derived from the hydrogenation of maltose, which comes from starch.

What can Maltitol be used for?

Maltitol is used as a sugar substitute and can be used to reduce the caloric, sugar and fat content of foods it is added to. It tastes almost as sweet as sugar, and is often used in the making of sweets, such as baked goods, candy, gum, ice cream and chocolate. It will not caramelize as other sugars do and has a unique creamy texture.

What are the benefits of using Maltitol?

Maltitol is 75% as sweet as sugar (some estimates state 90%) and has a taste intensity similar to sugar, but with half the calories and carbs of sugar. Maltitol contributes only 2.1 calories per gram, while sugar contains 4 calories per gram. This makes Maltitol a great substitute for individuals who are trying to lose weight by reducing calories.

Maltitol has a glycemic index of 36, far less than the glycemic index of sugar, which is 60. Many diabetes use products sweetened with Maltitol as a way to enjoy sweets without the subsequent rise in blood sugar that occurs when they eat foods containing sugar. Maltitol is more slowly absorbed than sugar, so that a rise in blood sugar and the related insulin response is decreased. This allows them to enjoy a wider variety of sweets than they might otherwise be allowed.

Best of all, Maltitol is non-cariogenic, a fancy term that simply means it does not cause cavities. This is due to its unique ability to resist being metabolized by bacteria in our mouths that break down sugars and starches to release acids that can harm tooth enamel, resulting in cavities. The American Dental association recognizes that Maltitol and other sugar substitutes are beneficial in the avoidance of tooth decay, as has the FDA, which approves the use of labeling that bears the term "does not promote tooth decay" on products sweetened with Maltitol.

Is Maltitol safe to use?

There have been many exaggerated claims made about Maltitol, specifically regarding intestinal discomfort that may occur in some individuals who eat large quantities of products containing Maltitol. A small proportion of individuals experience gas and bloating after eating products sweetened with Maltitol, and those who eat very large quantities may experience diarrhea. However, this is not the norm and should not deter people who wish to eat products sweetened with Maltitol, especially those who have weight loss or more strictly controlled blood sugar as their goal.

Many studies in both humans and animals have shown positive results with regards to Maltitol's safety as a food additive. In addition, The JECFA (Joint Food and Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization Expert Committee on Food Additives) has given Maltitol its highest safety rating, and has stated that no limits need be placed on the use of Maltitol.

Given that the total number of diabetics is expected to rise from 171 million in 2000 to 366 million in 2030 (Diabetes Care, 2004) and the fact that obesity is also an enormous and growing health problem (about one-third of adults in the U.S. are classified as obese), Maltitol can be a valuable tool in the fight against both of these global health problems. Maltitol's lower glycemic index and fewer calories per gram, as well as its ability to help reduce cavities, makes it a perfect choice for individuals trying to control their weight, blood sugar or both.

In this article, I will teach you how to make a girl orgasm - any girl - any time. I will do this by sharing some very powerful tips. What makes me such an expert? I'm a girl myself - with a lot of experience.

Unlike men, women are multi-orgasmic beings...if our buttons are pushed correctly. In order to set those buttons on automatic mode (yes, it's possible), you need to do one thing first:


It's very important to start listening more to your girl as she won't always tell you her needs.

Show your romantic side. If you don't have one, fake it! Here's a list of some simple, yet powerful things you can do:


Spend time - lots of time - on foreplay. Explore her from top to bottom, but don't go straight for the gold right away - that's a perfect way of ruining what you've just built up!

Explore her body - every inch of it - but do it very gently. Use your lips and tongue on her breasts, but avoid her nipples for as long as you can - keep doing this and it will drive her absolutely mad. Work your hands up and down her body, avoiding direct contact with her vagina - again, it will drive her up the wall with anticipation.

By the time you have intercourse, she will literally be seconds away from her first orgasm. However, you need to keep certain things in mind to achieve this.

One of the most important things to keep in mind is - enjoy yourself! Have you ever had a woman go down on you and you just KNEW that she wasn't into it...that she was just "doing her job"? It's just not the same.

It's exactly the same for girls - we can spot fake enthusiasm from a mile away.