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It may seem like an obvious question, what is sports and physical recreation? The answer though may not be so obvious. ™

There are of course some obvious answers to what is sports and physical recreation. Look around on any given weekend and you will see teams playing many games, like basketball, baseball, soccer, American football, and many others. There are also a large number of games for fewer competitors, sports like tennis, badminton and table tennis. There is though a growing range of sports for the individual competitors, things like golf, fishing, windsurfing and surfing.

All of these games and sports have something in common, there is some form of physical exertion at some point, be it the pulling of a wind sail, the swing of a golf club or hitting of a baseball. So that may be the true answer to what is sports and physical recreation, something that takes some form of physical activity.

Looking at the dictionary then it inotomo doesn't get any clearer than the aforementioned reason. Sports are defined as athletic activity that requires a competitor to display some form of skill and/or physical prowess. Physical relates to the body and the direct link to strenuous activity. Some people would therefore argue that activities like golf are therefore not a physical activity, as much of the time it appears is spent sitting around waiting. Although on the other hand a large fish can take a lot of physical effort to land. The final part of the question relates to recreation, which is described as diversion from normal activity that results in someone becoming relaxed and feelings of enjoyment. This leads to the argument that fishing could be considered much more of a recreational activity than basketball, which very rarely relaxes an individual.

There are arguments between what is a sport and what a game is, for instance is darts a sport or a game. Those who participate in darts professional would consider it more than a game, although others would not consider it to be a true sport. If recreation is supposed to be relaxing, is it possible for a sport to be a recreation as there is some form of competition involved, which destroys the point of relaxation. Even a physical element can be argued; fishing may not be considered but can take some good upper body strength to cast and to pull in a fish.

So the safest answer to the question, what is sports and physical recreation, is that of an activity that is done in the spare time of an individual, and enjoyed by that individual that involves some form of physical activity.

Sport is one of the well-published issues in the Net. Sport issues gain a lot of publicity and discussions in the media. The examples are numerous: thousands of football news article depict the reactions of trainers to a particular event. Important soccer games are an everyday issue in TV channels. New technologies are used everywhere in coverage of sports: tennis streaming video presents the particular strokes of favored tennis stars, such as Rafael Nadal and Maria Sharapova. At the days of serious matches, fans enjoy watching the game of their favored teams in tennis or football online. We might ask ourselves: what is the role the Media plays in Sport?

One probable answer would be that the media successfully exploits the public need for entertainment. People have always felt the need to be entertained, starting from the days of gladiators, when the public' general demand was to see people die in front of them in exchange for their money. As the years went by, the forms of the entertainment changed and became less cruel, but the principle of the crowd asking for Panem et circenses (i.e. "bread and circuses") remained the same. In this matter, sports news is the best possible entertainment, and watching sport online or on TV is the best possible way to witness the actual thing happening.

And here comes the next possible answer: media adheres to the needs of the wide public, fulfilling the desire to watch the "actual thing" on-line. Although a football match might occur in Milano, and tennis game may take place in Moscow, media brings the tennis game and the football match straight to your living room, without the need to get up from sofa and buy the ticket to Milano or wherever you want to get to. Media makes use of our need to witness the actual thing by serving as a mediator between the sporting event, which happens somewhere out there, and us, the viewers.

Being a central part of our everyday experience, media brings sports coverage to our living room and shows it to us whenever we choose. I'd say it's a good thing, but you - choose for yourselves.