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Affiliate Programs Need Affiliates That Help Affiliates. Why Affiliates do poorly with most Affiliate Programs.

First >>> “What is an Affiliate Program?” >> First scenario: Single level or tier sales:

>>> You only get paid for the direct sales you make.

You join a program that costs you $19.95 a month to be a paid member and pays you $10.00 a month for each affiliate you sign up that will pay the $19.95 each month for the products and services the company provides.

You sign up 10 people that pay $19.95 a month and you earn $10 from each person. You are sent a $100 check each month as long as all ten remain as paying affiliates.

With this program you only make sales on people you directly sign up and only for the sales you make yourself.

For you to make more money you must sign up more people willing to pay $19.95 each and every month.

This is a single tier program. You only get paid for your direct sales or sign ups.

>>> Second Scenario: Multiple levels or tiers:

>>> You also get paid for your affiliates sales.

You join a program that pays you $10.00 a month for each of the affiliates you have directly signed up, but you also get $3.00 when your affiliate signs up a paying member or makes a sale.

Those same 10 people will still earn you $100 each month just like the single tier, but now it gets more interesting.

Each paying person your affiliates signs up or for each sale they make will earn you another $3.00.

If each of your 10 affiliates sign up 5 new affiliates that will pay the $19.95 each month you will earn $3.00 times 50 people. So you will earn an extra $150 each month.

Now you are earning $250 instead of $100.

Now think about it for a minute. Okay, times up. Which plan do you think is the better one?

Most ebusiness owners are either too intimidated by affiliate programs to do anything, or they jump right in over 프리카지노 their head.

Both suffer because of it. The first person never gets to know the positive impact on ones finances affiliate programs have, while the other never learns the ropes and gives up which leaves them in the same position as the first person.

There are a lot of great affiliate programs available, actually so many it can be difficult to choose one, and that is when the cycle starts all over.

What is the solution to this problem?? Believe it or not the answer is quite simple. DO RESEARCH!! Ask and you will receive.

If you really want to be a good affiliate and create other good affiliates don’t assume things. You need to know what your are doing.