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Версия от 21:13, 19 марта 2023; K0gqgsw543 (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «Penis thickness is more important than length to some people. The average girth of the adult manhood is at around the 5 inch mark. Impressive penis thickness woul…»)

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Penis thickness is more important than length to some people. The average girth of the adult manhood is at around the 5 inch mark. Impressive penis thickness would be somewhere in the 6 inch to 7 inch mark. There is a simple test called the dollar bill test to see how good your penis thickness is. ™

The US Dollar bill is 7.4 inches in length. Wrap it around your erect penis at the middle of the shaft and see what the measurement comes out to. Depending on your penis thickness, the dollar bill will either tightly hug the penis or go around very easily with a lot of slack. If the dollar bill fits tightly around your penis, you have exceptional penis thickness and must be experiencing the great pleasures it can offer. A shaft with good girth increases the pleasures of sex for both the male and the female as its larger size triggers more surface area nerve endings in both the vaginal walls as well as the penis itself.

Do you have to settle for the girth that you have?

No, you need not settle with what you have. Enlargement is an absolutely reasonable and efficient process as long as you choose a right method. However, one should be realistic about their goals. It is just not possible to have a bigger penis overnight. Also, it's important to stay away from pills and pumps that will give you very marginal gains that last just a few hours. Today, one will come across loads of advertisements that come with a promise of overnight results. These promises are merely advertisement gimmicks. By nature, it is not really possible to achieve long lasting results in a matter of few days. Like everything else in life, penis enlargement will take time because it is not an overnight process. So, stay away from false advertisements and costly tools. Most of the pills and penis enlargement tools will not only burn your time but also your hard earned money. At the very best, you will achieve temporary gains, which will fade away quickly. As they say, "Easy come, Easy Go". I hope the point is clear now.

Wise choice for male enhancement.

Realistic penis enlargement takes about 4 to 8 weeks where one could achieve permanent gains in penis thickness and length with the help of penile exercises. Most of the time, one will have to devote at least 8 weeks to achieve significant results. These exercises are completely natural and in fact do more than size enlargement by actually improving the health of the penis.

How to perform penis exercises to increase penis girth?

To increase penis girth, it's important to improve the blood flow to the penis. In other words, doing exercises that improve the flow of blood to the penis will increase penis girth. The method of increasing blood flow to the penis is called as milking or jelqing. Penis exercises are generally performed in semi-erection state.

To perform the penis girth exercise, one needs to place one's index finger and thumb in an okay position around the base on one's penis. One needs to have twitter se paise kaise kamaye a good grip on the penis. However, one should not hold the penis very tight. What one should do is trap the blood in the penis and hold it in that position.

Once one maintains a good grip, one need to glide one's hand along the penis shaft. This allows one to force more blood to the manhood area. By doing so, one will be able to gain larger penis girth over a period of time.

"I used to have great sex with my wife 3 times per week. Now, I consider myself lucky if we can even do it once every fortnight. In fact, she prefers masturbation over having sex with me." Are you facing a similar problem such as the one described above? Well, you are not alone. Many married men are equally frustrated. You may have great sex with your wife in the past but the honeymoon period does not last. Life gets in the way and your wife may find sex a chore rather than something she enjoys.

Does Your Wife Prefer Her Sex Toys Over You?

Do you know why your wife is no longer interested in sex? This is something you have to find out if you want to solve the problem. I notice that in some relationships, the women rather masturbate using sex toys than to have sex with their husbands. This can be a very serious problem. The fact that a woman masturbates shows that she does have sexual needs and desire. However, if she chose to fulfil her sexual needs with sex toys rather than her husband, something is wrong. It is a well known fact that the lack of sex can lead to a breakdown in marriage. Although the lack of sex may not be the number one reason for divorce, it is important to fix the problem before it goes out of control.

Your Wife Is Not Enjoying Herself In Bed

There are many valid reasons why a woman does not want to have sex with her husband. Being too tired is definitely a valid reason. Perhaps she is the one doing all the household chores and taking care of the kids. If that is the case, helping your wife with the household chores and taking care of the kids will help you to score some points. Who knows? It may lead to a great night again. But what if you have done all of those things and your wife is still not keen to do it with you?

More often than not, it is because she doesn't enjoy her sexual experience with you. In this type of situation, most women will tend to give their husbands a politically correct answer. It doesn't matter what the answer is. They are doing so because they don't want to hurt their husband's feelings.

But you already know the truth. The truth is that she does not enjoy her sexual experience with you.

3 Methods To Revive Your Sex Life

1. Communicate With Her

Sometimes, all you need to do is to communicate with your wife. You must let your wife know that you will not be offended even if she tells you the truth. Sure, you may not like what you hear and may find your ego bruised. But why let your ego rule over you?

As a real man, you should do something more constructive. If you realize that she doesn't enjoy sex with you, you should find out why and see if there are any areas you can work on. Don't let ego gets in the way.

2. Try Something New

Maybe your wife is just bored. When you have the chance to have sex with your wife again, try something new. For example, if you are always the one on the top, you can suggest a change in position. Ask your wife to go on top of you instead. Who knows? Your wife may love it.

3. Make Her Fall In Love With You Again!

I am sure you have heard of this phrase, "women have sex because of love". As far as a woman is concerned, sex is a very emotional thing. If your wife doesn't enjoy sex with you, it is probably because she has fallen out of love.

So what you need to do is to make your wife fall in love with you again. Perhaps you have not dated your wife for a long time? Why not start wooing your wife again?